I have spent the last year of my life working to simplify it. Really simplify. Have you ever wondered what it means to live your truth without clutter? To know what it is that you want and where you are going?
Me too.
After a year of simplifying my diet to the bare basics, decluttering my house, clearing out negative influences within my friends and family, and even changing careers, I still don’t know what it means to simplify life. It seems confusing as ever. I am not nearly as lost as I was at the start of this journey, however, and that is where I plan to start this blog. Right where I am at.
When it works, it is simple.
Let me just say that I do much research and testing in my own life, and I am hoping to learn how you discover and test ideas within the scope of your life as well. I read every comment and every email.
For instance, I did not give up grains in my diet because it is trendy. Granted, I learned to cook using Paleo guidelines because Colorado has a strong culture of urban hippie that fuels the health conscious trend and others. Like, locally sourced. I eliminated grains for a period, reintroduced them to see how my body would respond, took notes, and simultaneously started gathering information on what the risks and benefits are from a scientific backing.
However, this is not a Paleo blog. Eventually, I’d like to share resources and build tools to help us both to test ourselves in life, push each other out of our comfort zones, and get where we each want to be. Create a legacy to leave the next generation. What would that look like for you?
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